Male caregivers socializing at a coffee shop.

Jack’s Caregiver Coalition / Brand Refresh

Jack Cares.

The guys at Jack's Caregiver Coalition know what it's like to care for someone with cancer because they've been there. Understanding that caregiving for a loved one can be one of the greatest challenges a man can face, Jack's founders recognized a real need for a support community of male caregivers that could lend support, some perspective, a Shop-Vac or whatever. Understanding that they had outgrown their original branding, the organization tasked us with creating an ownable brand identity and culture, one tailored to their now established community and mission.


Work & Credits

Our Work: Visual brand identity, graphic culture & brand voice

Copywriter: Jay Kaskel

Photo collage showing some of the types of activities hosted by Jack’s Caregiver Coalition.
Jack’s Caregiver Coalition logo ideation showing a variety of early logo explorations.

The Hero’s Journey.

Originally, the guys at Jacks just wanted us to give their existing generic logo artwork—a visual representation of “Jack”—a makeover. We explored concepts that transformed the character to make it more relevant and ownable. We also challenged the client to consider other approaches. After much deliberation, the client chose a direction they never expected going into the process. The new identity was more inclusive and created the sense of a community—a club, even if it was a club no one wanted to be eligible for. It celebrates the guys and their loved ones as the everyday heroes that they are.

Jack’s Caregiver Coalition badge logo stamped on weathered white wood background.
Various Jack’s brand logos and patterns.
Bowling photo with graphic headline, “Sometimes you’ve just got to get out and let it all hang out.”
Jack’s Caregiver Coalition branded t-shirts in multiple colors.
Jack’s Caregiver Coalition t-shirt with red badge logo.
Jack To Jack social logo.
Photo of ice fishing gear surrounding headline, “If we’re sitting in a circle, it’ll be around a campfire or an ice fishin’ hole.”

Jack Finds His Voice.

“Here’s the deal. We’re guys. We’re not exactly big on admitting when we need help. Even to ourselves. And you better friggin’ believe the last thing any self-respecting male feels comfortable doing is opening up about his feelings. Hey, we totally get that. We’ve been in your shoes. We know what it’s like to care for someone with cancer. Some of us are doing it right now. And if there’s one thing we’ve learned, it’s that caregivers could sometimes use a little care themselves. So give Jack a call. We’ll laugh together, we’ll cry together, we’ll grab a coffee or some beers and just, well, shoot the shit. Things won’t get awkward. Promise.”

Jack’s Caregiver Coalition brand guidelines. Pages feature logos and usage instructions.

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